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Soul & Spirit Magazine Feb-21 Edição anterior

30 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (Spiritual & Religion)
Whether you’re single, in love or going through
‘it’s complicated’, I’m with you. Though Plato
claimed that we’re all wondering around trying to find the other
half of our soul, I beg to differ; I know you’re already whole, just as I am, partner or no partner. ‘Whole’ was my title word for my
2020 manifestation board, and it got me through any dark, lonely times. But there is more than romantic love to aspire to,
and this issue is here to define love in all ways – the most important, as the late, great bestselling author Louise Hay would agree, being true self-love.
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Soul & Spirit

Feb-21 Whether you’re single, in love or going through ‘it’s complicated’, I’m with you. Though Plato claimed that we’re all wondering around trying to find the other half of our soul, I beg to differ; I know you’re already whole, just as I am, partner or no partner. ‘Whole’ was my title word for my 2020 manifestation board, and it got me through any dark, lonely times. But there is more than romantic love to aspire to, and this issue is here to define love in all ways – the most important, as the late, great bestselling author Louise Hay would agree, being true self-love.

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Issue Cover

Soul & Spirit  |  Feb-21  

Whether you’re single, in love or going through
‘it’s complicated’, I’m with you. Though Plato
claimed that we’re all wondering around trying to find the other
half of our soul, I beg to differ; I know you’re already whole, just as I am, partner or no partner. ‘Whole’ was my title word for my
2020 manifestation board, and it got me through any dark, lonely times. But there is more than romantic love to aspire to,
and this issue is here to define love in all ways – the most important, as the late, great bestselling author Louise Hay would agree, being true self-love.
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Soul & Spirit magazine is the perfect publication for anybody looking to boost their love, career, success or happiness. With insightful and engaging features on all aspects of spiritual life coaching.

Inside every issue of Soul & Spirit magazine, expect to find helpful meditations to centre your soul and provide clarity alongside affirmations to help you be your best self. Enjoy yoga poses to try out at home to help you gain a deeper understanding of your body - always start your day on the right foot! You can also enjoy an exciting variety of competitions.

Soul & Spirit magazine is the perfect monthly read for anybody looking to better themselves and bring prosperity to their own lives and the lives of others. Subscribe today and get every issue delivered directly to your device before it hits the shops. 

A Soul & Spirit digital magazine subscription is a must for cooks of all abilities, enjoy:

  • A monthly publication that will help you find enlightenment in your daily life
  • Daily tips and tricks to ensure you’re getting the most out of your life
  • Coverage of a broad and interesting range of topics such as crystals, angels, divination and much more!
  • Psychic advice from people in the know
  • Astro-predictions each month for your near future
  • Monthly yoga poses to help you feel at one with your body and mind
  • Positive affirmations to help you live your best life
  • Exciting competitions
  • A discount off the RRP of your magazine
  • Delivered directly to your device every month

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Com base em 30 Comentários de clientes
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Soul & Spirit

Great Magazine! Revisto 14 maio 2020

Soul & Spirit

Love it, well written. Revisto 17 abril 2020

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