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Sporting Gun Magazine Feb / 306 Edição anterior

1 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
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February Sporting Gun Magazine

This issue highlights the arrival of the Browning 825, a significant evolution of the popular Browning 725. The low-profile receiver, Fire Lite 2 trigger, Inflex II recoil pad, and DS interchangeable chokes are all key features that enhance performance across its field, sporting, and trap configurations. Our initial field test by Felix Petit offers first impressions, with a detailed technical review by Rob Speed in the March issue.

In addition to the 825, we have the latest pigeon shooting techniques, a flappers and decoys roundup, shotgun reviews and essential accessories, as well as a black-powder shotgun special. There’s also wildfowling as well as Corsican shooting adventures, vintage guns, dog training, and deer stalking. An issue packed with content for every shooting enthusiast.
Sporting Gun Preview PagesSporting Gun Preview Pages

Sporting Gun

Feb / 306 February Sporting Gun Magazine This issue highlights the arrival of the Browning 825, a significant evolution of the popular Browning 725. The low-profile receiver, Fire Lite 2 trigger, Inflex II recoil pad, and DS interchangeable chokes are all key features that enhance performance across its field, sporting, and trap configurations. Our initial field test by Felix Petit offers first impressions, with a detailed technical review by Rob Speed in the March issue. In addition to the 825, we have the latest pigeon shooting techniques, a flappers and decoys roundup, shotgun reviews and essential accessories, as well as a black-powder shotgun special. There’s also wildfowling as well as Corsican shooting adventures, vintage guns, dog training, and deer stalking. An issue packed with content for every shooting enthusiast.

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