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The Woodworker Magazine May-20 Edição anterior

56 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
The May issue is here, and while we may be living in strange times, at the magazine we see self-isolation as a fantastic opportunity to hone your woodworking skills and continue to do what you love – all from the comfort of your home workshops! So join us in a brand-new issue, as we do our very best to educate and inspire you with the perfect mixture of projects, technical articles, features and all the latest product tests.


• DICKIE BOW TIE: Andrew Hall shares another one of his signature projects with us here, which is a fun exercise in turning and also makes a fantastic gift
• TROUBLESOME TRITYCH: Martin Saban-Smith’s latest turning allowed him to learn some valuable lessons while having a lot of fun along the way
• BAROQUE GUITAR – PART 1: Shaun Newman takes us through the first steps for recreating one of these stunning instruments
• NAUTICAL PORT HOLE MIRROR: Glenn Perry uses antique brass port holes to create a novel mirror design
• STAIR REPLACEMENT: Phil Davy gets to work replacing a set of household stairs, which is a major challenge for most woodworkers
• FAVOURITE THINGS: Les Thorne reflects on the areas of turning he enjoys the most, including tools, techniques and teaching others


In our technical section, we have the first in a brand-new series from journalist turned furniture maker, Simon Frost, as he shares the initial instalment from his furniture-making start-up diary, taking us back to where it all began; also, in ‘Woodworker’s Ecyclopedia’, from the obscure to the common, Peter Bishop continues his woodworking odyssey.
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The Woodworker Magazine

May-20 The May issue is here, and while we may be living in strange times, at the magazine we see self-isolation as a fantastic opportunity to hone your woodworking skills and continue to do what you love – all from the comfort of your home workshops! So join us in a brand-new issue, as we do our very best to educate and inspire you with the perfect mixture of projects, technical articles, features and all the latest product tests. PROJECTS • DICKIE BOW TIE: Andrew Hall shares another one of his signature projects with us here, which is a fun exercise in turning and also makes a fantastic gift • TROUBLESOME TRITYCH: Martin Saban-Smith’s latest turning allowed him to learn some valuable lessons while having a lot of fun along the way • BAROQUE GUITAR – PART 1: Shaun Newman takes us through the first steps for recreating one of these stunning instruments • NAUTICAL PORT HOLE MIRROR: Glenn Perry uses antique brass port holes to create a novel mirror design • STAIR REPLACEMENT: Phil Davy gets to work replacing a set of household stairs, which is a major challenge for most woodworkers • FAVOURITE THINGS: Les Thorne reflects on the areas of turning he enjoys the most, including tools, techniques and teaching others TECHNICAL In our technical section, we have the first in a brand-new series from journalist turned furniture maker, Simon Frost, as he shares the initial instalment from his furniture-making start-up diary, taking us back to where it all began; also, in ‘Woodworker’s Ecyclopedia’, from the obscure to the common, Peter Bishop continues his woodworking odyssey.

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Issue Cover

The Woodworker Magazine  |  May-20  

The May issue is here, and while we may be living in strange times, at the magazine we see self-isolation as a fantastic opportunity to hone your woodworking skills and continue to do what you love – all from the comfort of your home workshops! So join us in a brand-new issue, as we do our very best to educate and inspire you with the perfect mixture of projects, technical articles, features and all the latest product tests.


• DICKIE BOW TIE: Andrew Hall shares another one of his signature projects with us here, which is a fun exercise in turning and also makes a fantastic gift
• TROUBLESOME TRITYCH: Martin Saban-Smith’s latest turning allowed him to learn some valuable lessons while having a lot of fun along the way
• BAROQUE GUITAR – PART 1: Shaun Newman takes us through the first steps for recreating one of these stunning instruments
• NAUTICAL PORT HOLE MIRROR: Glenn Perry uses antique brass port holes to create a novel mirror design
• STAIR REPLACEMENT: Phil Davy gets to work replacing a set of household stairs, which is a major challenge for most woodworkers
• FAVOURITE THINGS: Les Thorne reflects on the areas of turning he enjoys the most, including tools, techniques and teaching others


In our technical section, we have the first in a brand-new series from journalist turned furniture maker, Simon Frost, as he shares the initial instalment from his furniture-making start-up diary, taking us back to where it all began; also, in ‘Woodworker’s Ecyclopedia’, from the obscure to the common, Peter Bishop continues his woodworking odyssey.
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Established over 100 years ago, The Woodworker magazine is the ultimate resourse for enthusiasts, from intermediate to professional. It's seen as the authoritative voice of woodworking.

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Com base em 56 Comentários de clientes
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The Woodworker Magazine

I have enjoyed this magazine for the last seven years and hope to continue with this excellent publication for a long time. Revisto 20 março 2020

Best of its class

Always useful for handy tips Revisto 11 julho 2019

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