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Timeless Travels Magazine Summer 2015 Edição anterior

1 Comentários   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
In this issue you can travel to Ethiopia, Turkey, Ireland, India, England, Romania, America and Italy. Explore the amazing rock cut churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia, the stunning colossal statues at Mount Nemrut in Turkey or the Vasari corridor in Florence which connects the Palazzo Vecchio and the Pitti Palace.

Visit the prehistoric site of Poulnabrone in Ireland or check out Dracula’s castle and the towns of Brasov and Bucharest in Romania. Celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta with one of the original documents at Salisbury Cathedral and read all about the stunning exhibition of Deccan Art at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

Our interview is with Simon Calder, well known travel expert and the Intrepid Traveller is Alexander Burnes, who is described as a diplomat, spy, charmer and deceiver and played a big part in ‘the Great Game’ in the 19th century. We spend a weekend in the the timeless city of Istanbul and there are the usual art and archaeological roundups of news an exhibitions along with book reviews and Dig Diary. So another packed issue for you to enjoy!
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Timeless Travels

Summer 2015 In this issue you can travel to Ethiopia, Turkey, Ireland, India, England, Romania, America and Italy. Explore the amazing rock cut churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia, the stunning colossal statues at Mount Nemrut in Turkey or the Vasari corridor in Florence which connects the Palazzo Vecchio and the Pitti Palace. Visit the prehistoric site of Poulnabrone in Ireland or check out Dracula’s castle and the towns of Brasov and Bucharest in Romania. Celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta with one of the original documents at Salisbury Cathedral and read all about the stunning exhibition of Deccan Art at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Our interview is with Simon Calder, well known travel expert and the Intrepid Traveller is Alexander Burnes, who is described as a diplomat, spy, charmer and deceiver and played a big part in ‘the Great Game’ in the 19th century. We spend a weekend in the the timeless city of Istanbul and there are the usual art and archaeological roundups of news an exhibitions along with book reviews and Dig Diary. So another packed issue for you to enjoy!

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Issue Cover

Timeless Travels  |  Summer 2015  

In this issue you can travel to Ethiopia, Turkey, Ireland, India, England, Romania, America and Italy. Explore the amazing rock cut churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia, the stunning colossal statues at Mount Nemrut in Turkey or the Vasari corridor in Florence which connects the Palazzo Vecchio and the Pitti Palace.

Visit the prehistoric site of Poulnabrone in Ireland or check out Dracula’s castle and the towns of Brasov and Bucharest in Romania. Celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta with one of the original documents at Salisbury Cathedral and read all about the stunning exhibition of Deccan Art at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

Our interview is with Simon Calder, well known travel expert and the Intrepid Traveller is Alexander Burnes, who is described as a diplomat, spy, charmer and deceiver and played a big part in ‘the Great Game’ in the 19th century. We spend a weekend in the the timeless city of Istanbul and there are the usual art and archaeological roundups of news an exhibitions along with book reviews and Dig Diary. So another packed issue for you to enjoy!
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Timeless Travels is a quarterly magazine for lovers of travel,
archaeology and art. The magazine exists to inspire readers
with different and alternative travel ideas based on an art or
archaeological focus. Written and lovingly produced by
experts in the fields of travel, archaeology and art, the
magazine is filled with informative features complete with
travel fact sections and gorgeous photography. !
The magazine is also filled with regular features including
interviews with the leading lights in travel, archaeology or art,
exposés of ancient travellers and travel writers, the latest art
and archaeological news, book reviews, museum and
exhibition highlights, Traveller’s Tales and a dig diary. !
The magazine is available across all digital platforms which
means that it can be read anywhere and it couldn’t be easier
to take with you on your travels. However, for those who still
love a printed copy, then individual issues or a subscription
can be purchased through the website: www.timelesstravels. or through this link: !
Every issue is packed with masses to read and beautiful
photographs to transport you to far away places and help you
plan your dream trips. Happy reading!

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Com base em 1 Comentários de clientes
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Amazing cultural magazine

Simply a fantastic magazine. Finally a magazine about archeology, travel and art that is intelligent, interesting and cultural. This is a truly enjoyable read and I always end up learning about inspirational trips and people. I can't recommend it enough. Revisto 02 junho 2016

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