True Detective  |  True Detective November
One hundred years ago, in November 1920, a Dublin teenager was hanged by the British at Mountjoy prison. In life 18-year-old Kevin Barry (right) was a medical student and committed IRA activist but following his execution for the murder of three British soldiers he attained in the eyes of those sympathetic to the cause the status of heroic martyr, celebrated in song. In “Questions & Answers: Teenager Missed Exams To Commit Triple-Murder” this issue, we look at the bloody events that led Barry to his date at the gallows – and the legacy he left behind.
Warrington mother-of-two Kathryn Linaker was every inch a success – in the way that her friend at the town’s Centenary Operatic and Dramatic Society, Jennifer Cupit, was not. Unknown to primary school deputy head and author Kathryn, though, Jennifer was having a sordid affair with her husband. When he turned down the chance to start a new life in Canada with Jennifer, the scorned mistress went shopping for a knife. Read this issue’s “Crimes That Made The Headlines – Drama Club Killer Jenny Played Out A Deadly Fantasy” for the full story.
Make sure too not to miss the second part of our great new series “Wandsworth’s Days Of Hanging”. This month we present 10 fascinating cases, including those of Catherine Webster, the killer who tried to sell human dripping, and Dr. George Lamson whose skill with a medicine capsule wasn’t enough to save him from a date with the hangman.
Highlights this issue include:
* He Fought The Mafia – And Lived To Tell The Tale
* Crimes That Made The Headlines: Drama Club Killer Jenny Played Out A Deadly Fantasy
* America’s Most Evil: Meet The Memphis Mutilator
* Questions & Answers: Teenager Missed Exams To Commit Triple-Murder
* Wandsworth’s Days Of Hanging, Part 2
* Execution USA
* Hanged In Australia: Horrors Of The Melbourne Sphinx
* Burned To Death On His Birthday
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Artigos desta edição
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