There are new British Expeditionary Force plastics on the way from Wargames Atlantic (WA), and they’re perfect for early WWII gaming. Developed as part of WA’s ‘Vox Populi’ pre-order program (where box sets go into production after a fixed pre-order total has been hit), the figures have earned a lot of feedback from keen customers before their final production begins. Thanks to the input of those making pre-orders, sculptor Rob Macfarlane has modified various details on the figures, ensuring even more accurate detail on a truly excellent looking set of parts. The final frame layout is being worked out as I write this, but it looks like there will be SMLE and P-14/17 Enfield rifles, Bren and Lewis light machine guns, Thompsons, BARs, Boys anti-tank guns, and mortars. It’s going to be a cramped frame if they manage to squeeze them on, but Home Guard parts are currently optioned too. Exciting stuff!