Technology Bookazine  |  Practical Raspberry Pi Projects 7th Edition
For a device that can fit in the palm of your hand, the Raspberry Pi has had a pretty colossal impact since its launch in 2012. In just a few short years it’s changed the way computer science is taught in schools, it’s been used in some amazing projects at Raspberry Jam events across the world, and it’s inspired a new generation of coders to create and craft new gadgets. No matter your age or experience level, there’s a Pi project for you, and in Practical Raspberry Pi Projects we’re giving you everything you need to fire up your imagination and unleash your creativity. From hardware-based projects like creating a Pi-powered virtual reality setup, through software projects like using Python to code new creations in Minecraft, all the way to advanced electronics projects that will see you creating holographic audio visualisers, we’ve got plenty here to keep you busy. All you need is your favourite Raspberry Pi and a passion for making things!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Technology Bookazine Practical Raspberry Pi Projects 7th Edition.