After The Battle  |  Issue187
THE ALLIED CAPTURE OF HANNOVER. Karel Margry tells us how on April 10, 1945, the US 84th Infantry Division attacked the German city of Hannover. The operation formed part of the last Allied offensive of the war in the West, the mighty sweep from the Rhine to the Elbe. Murder at RAF Beccles. During the war, dances were held everywhere, especially forming a regular feature of service life where officers and other ranks could mix freely. At RAF Beccles, two members stationed at the airfield attended two different dances on the same night. Wednesday, November 8, was cold with the threat of snow . . . and was a day that ended in the death of a young WAAF servicewoman and the subsequent execution for the airman who murdered her. The story is described by Detective Chief Superintendent Edward Greeno. The Fate of the Surviving U-Boats. Derek Waller tells us how the Potsdam Agreement and the decisions of the associated Tripartite Naval Commission (TNC) were critical elements in the story of the disposal and destruction of the Kriegsmarine after the end of the war in Europe, as they formed the basis of the actions that led to the ultimate fate of all the U-Boats that survived the war and surrendered at the end of it. From the Editor — My Mother's War.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in After The Battle Issue187.