Bow International  |  129
Samsun was an interesting choice for the World Cup final. The second major base for archery in Turkey after Antalya, it's an industrial port town on the Black Sea. With the competition held on a helipad near Bati Park, on the coast, it might not have been in the Paris league for spectacle, but the local team had done a great job and it delivered some major drama anyway. The quality, especially on the recurve side, was exceptional. Every year, the host country gets four places for the World Cup final. No host country has ever won the World Cup final, in the thirteen year history of the event. But this year, things were almost very different. Turkey won two places by right for stage winners Yesim Bostan and Mete Gazoz on top of their allocated four spots, and for the first time, looked like serious challengers.
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Articles in this issue
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