Caravan Magazine  |  52 Weekends Away Supplement | September 2019 | Caravan Magazine
Since you and I last had a catch up, I've been out of the office a fair bit which is one of the best parts of this gig. I'm not the quietest of people so I can imagine my colleagues are also glad of a little peace. Not that they say that, of course. Would you like to know where I've been? Well, I'm telling you whether you want to or not!
Summer is the time for the manufacturers to unveil their shiny, new caravans and we get a sneaky peek at them. I have to say that there are some pretty exciting things happening right now and whether you're an existing caravanner or you're just discovering the lifestyle, there's going to be a caravan that suits. Caravanning is for everyone – whether it's just the two of you or you've got a big brood – and it always makes me happy to see caravanners sharing a bottle of wine or plates of barbecued food and children making new friends at the park.
As well as buying new caravans, we spend a lot of time thinking about the towcars we can pair with them and this month, I did something that I hope will help you make that decision.
Every year, the Caravan and Motorhome Club reveals its pick of the best towcars on the market and I got to be part of it as a judge. I can't say too much about it at the moment but suffice to say, we really put these cars through their paces!
Clare Kelly
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Caravan Magazine 52 Weekends Away Supplement | September 2019 | Caravan Magazine.