Dolls House World  |  Issue 366
We’re privileged to have a front row seat peering into people’s houses and room boxes. And when we chat with miniaturists we appreciate how much they share with us, which often goes beyond the twelfth scale walls.
Jessica told us how she finds joy in being eccentric when it comes to her miniature projects which have helped her deal with depression. We take a look inside her wonderful Harry Potter rooms this issue.
Another talented maker, Rosanne, explained: “I finally learned to stop comparing my work or myself to others, and I am happy with where this journey has taken me so far.” Her house sat, falling apart, in a shed for 15 years and she rescued it when her children were grown.
Woodworking wasn’t Karin’s thing when she was in school, but she’s now discovered doll’s houses and her creativity knows no bounds. She’s done a wonderful job on her abandoned house.
Lauren only discovered miniatures during lockdown, but has already created an amazing haunted house. It is full of rooms with meaning, each one designed to “individually represent the human condition” in a unique way. Her kitchen, for example, reflects the domestic suffocation of women.
Back to Jessica: “I’m just going to keep creating and making messes because it’s a heck of a lot of fun. I deal with symptoms of Parkinson’s, which means that I shake a lot, so working in miniature is harder than it used to be, but not impossible.”
Thanks to all of these talented miniaturists, and to the rest of our readers. What an inspiring lot you are.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Dolls House World Issue 366.