FlyPast  |   October 2019
The October issue of FlyPast is another 132-page special featuring an eight-page tribute to airshow legend Mark Hanna, who was the co-founder of Duxford-based Old Flying Machine Company and a key player in several famous films and TV series. Mark was hugely popular, not just because of his remarkable flying skills, but also because of his character and willingness to share his passion with enthusiasts. In our exclusive feature, Steve Beebee speaks to several who flew with or worked alongside Mark and remembers a true hero of the skies on the 20th anniversary of his tragic death.
Featuring exclusive artwork and rarely seen images, our popular Spotlight section focuses on the pugnacious Fairey Gannet, an unmistakeable British aircraft that served in a variety of roles with the Royal Navy and further afield.
This month’s magazine features a special section dedicated to the clandestine world of airborne reconnaissance. We examine everything from secretive Lightning missions in World War Two to Cold War sentinels like the Vulcan and Victor.
Darren Harbar goes air-to-air with Retrotec’s newly-restored de Havilland DH.9 and traces its remarkable restoration journey.
No fewer than 11 Corsair warbirds took to the skies in Michigan recently. Kevin Baxter reports from this event and the spectacular seven-day EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Clive Rowley, former OC of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, compares the famous Rolls-Royce Merlin engine with its ‘big brother’ the Griffon.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in FlyPast October 2019.