An Athlete’s Drinking Regimen

The daily liquid intake of ahealthy person should reflect their body weight (1 fluid ounce / 30 milliliter per 35 ounces / 1 kilogram of optimal body weight), which is around 70 fluid ounces / 2 liters. The term liquids here denotes all sources, meaning not only drinks, but also water from fruits, soups and salads. The drinks should form about 40 - 50 fluid ounces / 1.2 - 1.5 liters aday.

The drinking regime is measured by optimal body weight, not actual body weight. That means that in overweight and obese people, the ideal amount of liquids reflects their optimal body weight. The need for drinking rises in awarm or cold environment, but especially in adry and windy one, and is even higher when doing sports and exercise in general. In all these cases the body evaporates water as ameans of cooling itself down and it needs it to be replenished, alongside other minerals and nourishing substances. However, this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter what and when we drink.

Although it may not be obvious at first glance, water is, from achemical perspective, asolution containing many dissolved compounds. These compounds define water’s chemical-physical properties and its biological value. The biologically-active compounds present are mainly sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphoric compounds, and other elements in low concentrations, also known as trace compounds or microelements, like Selene, zinc, chrome and others.

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