Narrow Gauge World  |  Jan-Feb 23
In the latest edition of Narrow Gauge World we look forward boldly to
a new year on the narrow gauge with a mixture of innovation,
engineering excellence and latest news from the ever-busy narrow gauge
We hear first-hand about the development of a new fuel that could
provide the sustainable answer steam needs
We visit Alan Keef Ltd, 50 years of narrow gauge engineers, and hear
about the challenges and rewards of working in today's industry
We get an insight into the threatened JHMD line in the Czech Republic
And we go in search of likely the last Ruston industrial locos still
working in the British Isles
Our modelling pages include a full review of new miniature marvels,
the latest Penrhyn Quarry Hunslets from Bachmann
While of course we have our ever extensive in-depth news pages,
including a record-setting train over a mile long, plus the best
narrow gauge photos around, and much more!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Narrow Gauge World Jan-Feb 23.