OutThere  |  2 - THE BEAUTY ISSUE
Welcome to Issue 2. It only seems like five minutes since we put our last issue out – it has been a whirlwind. So much has happened in the last six months, we’ve really been overwhelmed by the positive response, support and good wishes following our maiden issue and we have endeavoured to make this edition even better.
We’re thrilled that so many new friends have reached out to us from all over the world and this is reflected in the breadth of content and voices within these 212 pages – young and old, all walks of life and from queer capitals to cultural back waters.
This time we visit the issue of ‘beauty’ and the impact it has on the gay experience – the allure of the third sex, the motivations behind one man’s four year quest for facial surgery and a psychologist’s expert opinion on what drives gay men to go to extremes to make themselves more beautiful. We also have an exclusive cover interview with queer icon Joey Arias who has made the pursuit of
beauty his life’s work.
We have expanded our style section to bring
you a fresh look at international fashion and grooming, including an exclusive 14 page ‘East
meets East’ fashion story – our own take on the trend by East London designers for Eastern-block inspired menswear.
Queer London also features heavily in this issue, as we stay close to home to explore our own dirty, great cosmopolis in nearly 50 pages. We meet London’s scene queens, Jodie Harsh and Jonny Woo – and delve into gay London’s rich heritage – a tale of ‘molly-houses’, East End gay gangsters and an underground gay scene in 1960’s Soho, told first-hand by people that were actually there.
There is just so much we wanted to tell you about but we only have 212 pages. We hope you enjoy it as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in OutThere 2 - THE BEAUTY ISSUE.