Aeroplane  |  Sub Hunters
The war against the submarine has taken many forms over the past century. In World War Two innovative tactics and new technology had to be brought to bear to defeat the German U-boat threat. Then, during the 40 or so years of the Cold War, NATO’s anti-submarine forces duelled their Soviet opponents in a shadow conflict that thankfully never turned into a real shooting war. Over the past decade tensions with Russia and China have surged and the West has looked to bolstering its anti-submarine forces again.
Sub Hunters, a special publication by the team behind Britain at War magazine, tells the story of how the war against the submarine has evolved. It looks at the planes, helicopters, ships, and submarines that have been pitted against each other in a struggle for underwater supremacy. The challenges in each of the major eras of submarine warfare are very different and Sub Hunters looks at how technology and tactics have changed over time.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aeroplane Sub Hunters.