American Waterfowler  |  Vol XIV, Issue III
The GEAR GUIDE is BACK with 132 pages of serious hunting equipment, compelling hunt stories and plenty of guidance. From the cover’s Dawn Over The Decoys, through the long list of timely contents to 90 pages of the latest and greatest gear, it’s must-read coverage!
We start out hunting, including a detailed look at suburban goose opportunities, a tale about traditions that keep kids hunting, a secret about snow goose success and a look at a D.I.Y. duck club. Feeling adventurous? Check out the Smart Money column to see our latest pick of public hunting destinations.
Ever wonder why mallards aren’t faring well in the Atlantic Flyway? We explain the latest science that says many of the mallards in the eastern half of the country aren’t truly wild birds, and why it should be a concern nationwide.
Want to help your dog go for the winged birds first? Our dog column has the recipe to create a canine cripple magnet. Wish you had a duck day do-over? Our decoying column can help you before it’s too late.
We haven’t forgotten all the goodies! Dive into our 90-page Gear Section and its vast selection of must-see new products, where every page has the potential to improve your hunting!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in American Waterfowler Vol XIV, Issue III.