Art of England  |  101 - April 2013
In the same month that the Duchamp show (he of “that urinal”) show opens at the Barbican, it seems a little old-fashioned perhaps to be publishing a “Wildlife Art” issue, but as Simon Gudgeon so brilliantly explains wildlife art is not a genre but rather a subject. From the strength of Hamish Mackie’s bronzes, the playfulness of Jill Moger’s ceramics and the detail of Hazel Mountford’s acrylics I hope that our selection of artists featured bears testament to variety of talents currently working in his field. For me Tessa Farmer stands out as a breath-taking artist of thrilling imagination and skill: I was astonished by her skeleton fairies created from the husks of dead insects. Enjoy our celebration of the best of wildlife art (and we'll be reviewing Duchamp's urinal in our June issue!)
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Art of England 101 - April 2013.