Back Street Heroes  |  431 - March 2020
Welcome to the new issue of BSH, hope you’ve got your woollies on? As I sit here typing this, last night over ‘ere in East Angular we had our coldest night of the winter so far – a smidge under minus 4 degrees C.
Now, I know that doesn’t really compare with the temperatures in certain parts of the country (Scotland, for example), where it’s been so cold polar bears’ve started thinking about migrating south, but it’s cold enough to make even the thought of riding a bike, to me anyway, a not very attractive one. Maybe I’ve got nesh in me old age? I’d better get me head together though ‘cos, not long after you read this, meself and a couple of mates’re off to the most hardcore British rally there is – Conwy MCC’s Dragon Rally, up in the mountains of North Wales. In February. Me, a bloke who doesn’t
really like the cold much. Don’t ever believe anyone who tells you I’m a smart cookie, will you? (I know they’re unlikely to, but…)
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Back Street Heroes 431 - March 2020.