Coast  |  No.90 Discover Our Easter Budget Breaks
Over the last few months our coastline has taken a battering. Storms, high tides, torrential rain and wild winds combined forces and the results have been dramatic. I travelled to the South West shortly after some of the worst storms took place, and what struck me was the resilience and tenacity of the peoplewho were rebuilding their businesses and repairing their homes.
The sense of community spirit was overwhelming, from flood volunteers
travelling the country to help people they had never met, to businesses
supporting their competitors, lending equipment and sharing resources.
The main message the folks I met wanted to put across was that they were ‘Open for Business’. The storms hit the tourist industry hard, and they explained that if people felt their area was now too damaged to visit, they suffered a second blow. These small businesses need our support. If you either run, or know of a business which has suffered storm damage, do get in touch when it re-opens, and coast will try to help you spread the word.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Coast No.90 Discover Our Easter Budget Breaks.