WORTH £29.95
*Just pay £5.95 postage
Busy Lizzie Beacon Mix x 6 plug plants
These vibrant impatiens are free-flowering and have been bred to be disease free. Height xSpread 45cm x 35cm Flowers Jun-Oct
Lobelia Ultra Cascade Mixed x 6 plug plants
A froth of pretty flowers that blend well with a variety of other bedding plants. Plant in baskets and boxes. HxS Trails to 45cm F Jul-Aug
Rudbeckia All Sorts Mixed x 6 plug plants
Robust coneflowers with outstanding garden performance. Blooms make excellent cut flowers. HxS 60cm x 40cm F Jul-Oct
Pelargonium Jackpot Mixed x 6 plug plants
A free-flowering summer display, with masses of colourful single blooms on neat, compact plants. HxS 40cm x 35cm F Jun-Oct
Petunia Double Orchid Mixed x 6 plug plants
Orchid-like, ruffled blooms in a medley of radiant colours. Flowers all summer. HxS 30cm x 30cm F Jun-Sep
For more offers and details of how to order, see opposite page
Pre-order blooms for delivery in April...
Delivered from mid-April, simply pot up these plug plants in multi-purpose compost, and keep them somewhere light and cool but frost-free until conditions are warm enough for planting into soil or outdoor containers offeroffe
Pelargonium ‘Best Red’
Uniform, wellbranched plants that produce large, shapely scarlet flowers. H x S 45cm x 35cm F Jun-Oct
◼ 36 plugs £13.99 £11.99 SAVE £2
◼ 72 plugs £27.98 £18.99 SAVE £8.99
Begonia Organdy Mixed
The combination of bronze and green foliage contrasts beautifully with the colourful blooms. H x S 20cm x 20cm F Jul-Oct
◼ 36 Plugs £11.99 £9.99 SAVE £2
◼ 72 Plugs £23.98 £17.99 SAVE £5.99
Begonia ‘Apricot Shades Improved’
Non-stop flowers in a broad range of colours for long-lasting impact in your garden. H x S 30cm x 45cm F Jun-Oct
◼ 24 plugs £11.99 £10.99 SAVE £1
◼ 48 Plugs £23.98 £16.99 SAVE £6.99
Petunia Frenzy Mixed
The 20 different types of petunia flowers will always dazzle with a long-lasting display. H x S 25cm x 30cm F Jun-Sep
◼ 36 Plugs £12.99 £9.99 SAVE £3
◼ 72 Plugs £25.98 £17.99 SAVE £7.99
Busy Lizzie Beacon Salsa Mixed
Vivid shades of carmine, pink and orange that will keep your patio in colour all summer. H x S 45cm x 45cm F Jun-Oct
◼ 36 plugs £11.99 £9.99 SAVE £2
◼ 72 plugs £23.98 £14.99 SAVE £8.99
Gazania Tiger Stripes Mixed†
Daisy-like blooms with a contrasting stripe on every petal. Tolerates drought or windy, coastal sites. H x S 20cm x 20cm F Jun-Oct
◼ 36 Plugs £9.99
◼ 72 Plugs £19.98 £16.99 SAVE £2.99
0844 573 6054‡ *Just pay £5.95 postage (quote code TM_GW126) thompson-morgan.com/TM _GW126
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