Iron Cross  |  Issue 13
Unique content includes: ground-breaking features on the U-boat war against Allied aircraft: the incredible story of a German fighter unit punished because its CO’s wife was Jewish: a remarkable collection of original photographs depicting a downed Zeppelin is examined in detail: Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair HQ in Poland is described and its ruins visited: how the tide of war against Germany was finally turned on the Marne during the summer of 1918: the evil pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany which sealed Poland’s fate in 1939: the German and Allied air losses during the 1942 ‘Channel Dash’: examing the history of a WW1 German naval ensign from Jutland: Germany’s infamous MG 42 light machine gun is studied in depth: a museum exhibit in Malta from a Messerschmitt 109 examined: a Nazi castle full of the ‘treasure’ of high awards and decorations discovered by American forces: how a captured V1 officer spilled the beans about the missile system: colour photography of Third Reich living history is showcased: the WW1 German MG 08 machine gun in colour: did the Wehrmacht use wooden bullets in 1944? : a fighter ‘aces’ Messerschmitt downed in the Western Desert in 1942 – an image colourised by Richard J Molloy : our film poster spotlight features a WW1 war film made during the Nazi period of Germany’s history.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Iron Cross Issue 13.