Iron Cross  |  Inside Hitler's Third Reich
Discover the people and events, organisations and divisions, and collectables of Hitler’s Third Reich.
EVENTS include the Berlin Olympics of 1936; Operation Anthropoid; Hamburg at War; Hitler Must Die; Operation Valkyrie.
Discover the stories of those who lived under and fought for the NSDAP regime with Hitler’s Girls; Joachim Peiper; Fallschirmjäger leaders; Willy Messerschmitt; Tales from the Führerbunker with Traudle Junge and Rochus Misch.
ORGANISATIONS include the National Socialist Motoring Corps; Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler; 4th SS Polizei Division; SS Wiking; SS-Panzer-Division Das Reich; 6th SS Mountain Division Nord; the Gestapo.
COLLECTABLES covers Toys of War; Postage stamps of the Reich; Wall plaques; Military daggers; Paramilitary daggers; Political daggers; Civic daggers; Civic organisation helmets; Mother’s Cross; Waffen-SS uniforms.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Iron Cross Inside Hitler's Third Reich.