Let's Knit  |  Easy One-Ball Knits
Easy One-Ball Knits is full to the brim with simple patterns that can be made in a weekend. Each of the 17 projects uses just 50g or 100g of yarn. We've got summery scarves, luscious shawls, lacy socks and striking homewares, plus baby knits and trendy accessories fashionistas will love. Fans of Debbie Bliss will adore her beaded clutch and skinny scarf. Collars are a top trend so check out Piper by Louisa Harding. Our button beanie comes in adult and child sizes, and both can be made from 100g of yarn. All of these projects would make great gifts for someone special!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Let's Knit Easy One-Ball Knits.