Performance VW  |  November 2016
What have we got for you this month? We kick things off with a lesson in how keeping it simple is often the best idea with a stunning Belgian Mk2 G60 on cover, closely followed by a UK Mk3 VR6 that follows a similar path to timeless perfection. A hardcore 700bhp Mk4 R32T and a Lupo that's more kitted out than the average Bentley follow up proving that opposites do attract sometimes, closely followed by a pair of US Audis that don't do anything by the rulebook - you'll see what we mean! Finally, we've got a homegrown Mk2 Jetta and a seriously tricked out Mk1 20v track car and a comprehensive report from the awesome Eurokracy event, how's that for an issue!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Performance VW November 2016.