TV & Satellite Week  |  12th May 2018
The second series of C4’s gripping sci-fi drama Humans ended in explosive fashion after the man-made synthetic humans, known as Synths, became conscious beings with thoughts of their own. Worldwide chaos ensued as the Synths stopped doing whatever jobs they were programmed to do. Planes fell from the sky, cars smashed into each other and one hundred and ten thousand human lives were lost. The third series begins a year on from that Day Zero with the Synths hated and feared by humans. Unhappy about this brave new world is sentient Synth Mia (Gemma Chan). She feels guilty because the code that awakened the Synths into consciousness was uploaded by her human friend, Mattie Hawkins (Lucy Carless), a skilled computer hacker, in order to save Mia’s life.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in TV & Satellite Week 12th May 2018.