TV & Satellite Week  |  27th August 2016
TV and Satellite Week is standing on a rundown French street with a café
and a grocery store at one end, a cinema screening a Vivien Leigh movie and posters advertising Dubonnet and a new nightclub. It’s hard to believe we are at an old car factory in Swansea that has been turned into post-war France. We are on location for Amazon Prime’s sumptuous drama The Collection, created by Ugly Betty showrunner Oliver Goldstick. Set in Paris in 1947, it follows the family-run Sabine fashion house, headed by uncompromising couturier Paul Sabine, played by Richard Coyle, who is tasked with restoring Paris’ status as the world’s fashion capital in order to help France get back on its feet following the Nazi occupation during World War Two.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in TV & Satellite Week 27th August 2016.