Bow International  |  98
Bow International 98 is a feature-packed issue and a fitting closure to the indoor season! We've got all the details of Mike Schloesser's unbreakable World record, as well as Alex Wifler's incredible Vegas title in the face of vastly more experienced opposition.
If you're using the last few sessions indoors to pay some attention to your kit, Liam Grimwood tests out the Total Control release from Carter, while Andrew Smith presents his guide to fitting and using a clicker and we look over the Mybo Rio to find out what it's all about.
Elsewhere, Grizzly Jim explores how to deal with panic when you're an instinctive archer, Duncan Busby takes a look at the differences between technical and instinctual archers, and John Dudley charts the recovery journey when you've suffered an injury setback.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Bow International 98.