Aviation et Pilote  |  World directory of light aviation (English version)
Aviation et Pilote publishes with Flügel and FliegerRevue, in association with Powered Sport Flying magazine, the special issue “World directory of light aviation 2023-2024”. This 292-page catalog lists more than 1,000 aircraft available on the global market, whether they are: ULM/LSA multi-axis, ULM/LSA motor gliders, experimental aircrafts, certified aircrafts, gyroplanes, multicopters, helicopters, pendulums, aerostats, etc. This guide also lists a certain number of instruments with their main characteristics, as well as motors, including electric ones. You will also find some articles on various subjects such as simulation or eVTOL. A collector's item!
NB: This special issue is in English, unlike the standard publication. The regular issues of Aviation et Pilote will continue to be published in French.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aviation et Pilote World directory of light aviation (English version).