Dollhouse Miniatures  |  Issue 87
I wanted to touch on the importance of kindness in my welcome letter this month. Our community is such a loving one and I think that is why we are a very happy group of people! Expressing acts of kindness to others or towards ourselves can lower stress levels and increase the body’s production of feel-good hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin. If there is one thing we really need more of in our world right now, it’s ‘feel good’ hormones!
It’s impotent to step out of ourselves when our stress levels rise and be mindful of those around us. Take one big, deep breath and really look at those around you. Give a passerby a smile – it’s contagious. Call a friend or family member and remind them that you love them. These small little actions can change someone’s day.
As I put this issue together I saw a pattern of people that are creating to make this world a more beautiful place. All these small wonders that fill Dollhouse Miniatures pages bring smiles to others. They spark the imagination and feed the soul. So enjoy each page in this issue and share them with others. I bet they will light up!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Dollhouse Miniatures Issue 87.