Prospect Magazine  |  Nov 2020
in Prospect's November issue: Donald Trump and drama always go together. But what are the deeper cultural issues the president is stoking to get re-elected in November? In an epic piece, longtime US political observer Sam Tanenhaus argues that a new civil war is brewing, no matter what the result. Here in the UK, a culture war is also bubbling: can we avoid one? Jean Seaton, profiling new BBC director-general Tim Davie, thinks he might be the man to defend the institution from government attacks. And Tristram Hunt, director of the V&A, tells us how museums can forge a middle path between acknowledging the sins of the past and keeping faith with trusted institutions. Plus: Hadley Freeman in praise of Germaine Greer and Julian Baggini on a scintillating new biography of Jacques Derrida. And an enchanting love letter to mushrooms.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Prospect Magazine Nov 2020.