Total 911 Bookazine  |  The Porsche 911 RS Book Ninth Edition
There are few motoring legacies as rich as the Porsche 911 Rennsport. For most people, think ‘race car for the road’ and a Porsche 911 will be one of the first super sports cars that comes to mind.
Various iterations of Porsche 911 race cars throughout the model’s existence are responsible for an unprecedented 30,000 race victories on circuits all around the world, providing the perfect platform for the company to market its coveted road cars. When it comes to the 911 Rennsport, the cars are as close to their motor-racing counterparts as is feasibly possible. They are extremely lightweight, with reduced equipment, boasting the very best performance engines, gearboxes and chassis technology to make them as competitive as possible, be it on a circuit or even for fast road driving on the public road.
Your revised edition of the Porsche 911 RS Book looks at the most decorated cars ever to wear the Rennsport badge, from early classics such as the 1973 2.7 Carrera RS all the way up to the latest modern day supercar in the form of the 991 GT2 RS. We’ve in-depth road tests, thrilling group tests and a look at some crazy race cars and modified monsters all celebrating the purest and most breathtaking form of the 911 sports car in all its glory. There is, after all, nothing quite like a Porsche 911 RS.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Total 911 Bookazine The Porsche 911 RS Book Ninth Edition.