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Art & Photography

Antiques Trade Gazette

50 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
46 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
From €2,20 pro Ausgabe
Antiques Trade Gazette is the essential publication for everyone with a serious interest in art, antiques and collectables.
Every week it is packed with up-to-the-minute news on the market, with individual items beautifully illustrated throughout. Since 1971 it has been the most reliable source of information on what is really happening at auctions in the UK and around the world. Each issue is filled with auction advertisements and detailed auction reports written by expert journalists.
The Dealer’s Diary section keeps readers constantly updated on what is happening at the fairs and markets and in the galleries and shops.
Market professionals and serious collectors throughout the world rely on ATG to keep them informed on developments and issues which shape the art market. It is here that they learn about the prices achieved at auction in every area - from antiquities to pop memorabilia, from impressionist paintings to Chinese art. With 500 or more art objects pictured, every issue is a treat to the eye and a visual education.
Whatever the topic Antiques Trade Gazette is well-informed, up-to-date and entertaining.
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Antiques Trade Gazette

2681 Published every week since 1971, Antiques Trade Gazette is affectionately known as ‘the Bible of the antiques trade’. A long tradition of authority, integrity and accuracy, makes it the essential read for everyone who loves antiques. With a subscription to Antiques Trade Gazette, you’ll stay ahead of all the developments in the art and antiques market, plus you’ll enjoy • A comprehensive auction calendar – see when and where every sale will be happening • Exclusive interviews with dealers, giving you the inside track on the trade • Breaking news on key industry developments • Secrets, stories and tips from leading specialists and collectors • Top lots advertised by auctioneers • Previews of the best art and antiques fairs and markets • Special supplements focusing on specific collecting areas

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Verfügbare digitale Angebote:

Digitale Einzelausgabe 2681
5,99 / issue
Jährlich Digitales Abonnement €109,99 jährlich abgerechnet
€2,20 / Ausgabe
Monatlich Digitales Abonnement €18,99 monatlich abgerechnet
€4,56 / Ausgabe
Die Ersparnisse werden auf der Grundlage eines vergleichbaren Kaufs von Einzelausgaben über einen annualisierten Abonnementzeitraum berechnet und können von den angegebenen Beträgen abweichen. Die Berechnungen dienen nur zu Illustrationszwecken. Digitale Abonnements beinhalten die letzte Ausgabe und alle regulären Ausgaben, die während Ihres Abonnements erscheinen, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Das von Ihnen gewählte Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch, wenn es nicht bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ablauf des laufenden Abonnements im Bereich Mein Konto gekündigt wird.

Issue Cover

Antiques Trade Gazette  |  2681  

Published every week since 1971, Antiques Trade Gazette is affectionately known as ‘the Bible of the antiques trade’. A long tradition of authority, integrity and accuracy, makes it the essential read for everyone who loves antiques.

With a subscription to Antiques Trade Gazette, you’ll stay ahead of all the developments in the art and antiques market, plus you’ll enjoy

• A comprehensive auction calendar – see when and where every sale will be happening
• Exclusive interviews with dealers, giving you the inside track on the trade
• Breaking news on key industry developments
• Secrets, stories and tips from leading specialists and collectors
• Top lots advertised by auctioneers
• Previews of the best art and antiques fairs and markets
• Special supplements focusing on specific collecting areas
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Antiques Trade Gazette is the essential publication for everyone with a serious interest in art, antiques and collectables.
Every week it is packed with up-to-the-minute news on the market, with individual items beautifully illustrated throughout. Since 1971 it has been the most reliable source of information on what is really happening at auctions in the UK and around the world. Each issue is filled with auction advertisements and detailed auction reports written by expert journalists.
The Dealer’s Diary section keeps readers constantly updated on what is happening at the fairs and markets and in the galleries and shops.
Market professionals and serious collectors throughout the world rely on ATG to keep them informed on developments and issues which shape the art market. It is here that they learn about the prices achieved at auction in every area - from antiquities to pop memorabilia, from impressionist paintings to Chinese art. With 500 or more art objects pictured, every issue is a treat to the eye and a visual education.
Whatever the topic Antiques Trade Gazette is well-informed, up-to-date and entertaining.

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•  Ein Rabatt auf den UVP Ihrer Zeitschrift
•  Ihr Magazin wird jeden Monat auf Ihr Gerät geliefert
•  Sie werden keine Ausgabe verpassen
•  Sie sind vor Preiserhöhungen geschützt, die später im Jahr eintreten können

Sie erhalten 50 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Antiques Trade Gazette Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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Basierend auf 46 Kundenrezensionen
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus Antiques Trade Gazette 2681.

Antiques Trade Gazette 2680 2680 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2679 2679 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2678 2678 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2677 2677 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2676 2676 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2675 2675 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2674 2674 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2673 2673 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2672 2672 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2671 2671 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2670 2670 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2669 2669 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Antiques Trade Gazette 2668 2668 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
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