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Cake Craft Guides Magazine Issue 24 - Wedding Cakes & Sugar Flowers Zurück Ausgabe

3 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)
This issue we explore how fashion infl uences cake design. We look at the inspiration behind the cake and show you how you can design your cake linked to the Bride’s dress and the fashion world.

Amy Swann continues with her ‘Art to Cake’ series, thanks go to Amy for her beautiful ‘Bandeau D’Amour’ and garland cake on our front cover. Find out how to put together a garland on page 40. Zuhair Murad, the Lebanese fashion designer, has inspired our exclusive collaboration of 20 international cake designers, organised by Gulnaz Mitchell of Heavenly Cakes 4 You on page 44.

Three of our exclusive tutorials; Charlotte Tyson of Sugar Ruffles (page76), Natalie Porter of Immaculate Confections (page82), and Claire Corbett of Windsor Cakecraft (page 88), have also been inspired by Zuhair Murad’s wonderful creations and designed beautiful wedding cakes linked to Zuhair’s gowns.
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Cake Craft Guides

Issue 24 - Wedding Cakes & Sugar Flowers This issue we explore how fashion infl uences cake design. We look at the inspiration behind the cake and show you how you can design your cake linked to the Bride’s dress and the fashion world. Amy Swann continues with her ‘Art to Cake’ series, thanks go to Amy for her beautiful ‘Bandeau D’Amour’ and garland cake on our front cover. Find out how to put together a garland on page 40. Zuhair Murad, the Lebanese fashion designer, has inspired our exclusive collaboration of 20 international cake designers, organised by Gulnaz Mitchell of Heavenly Cakes 4 You on page 44. Three of our exclusive tutorials; Charlotte Tyson of Sugar Ruffles (page76), Natalie Porter of Immaculate Confections (page82), and Claire Corbett of Windsor Cakecraft (page 88), have also been inspired by Zuhair Murad’s wonderful creations and designed beautiful wedding cakes linked to Zuhair’s gowns.

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Issue Cover

Cake Craft Guides  |  Issue 24 - Wedding Cakes & Sugar Flowers  

This issue we explore how fashion infl uences cake design. We look at the inspiration behind the cake and show you how you can design your cake linked to the Bride’s dress and the fashion world.

Amy Swann continues with her ‘Art to Cake’ series, thanks go to Amy for her beautiful ‘Bandeau D’Amour’ and garland cake on our front cover. Find out how to put together a garland on page 40. Zuhair Murad, the Lebanese fashion designer, has inspired our exclusive collaboration of 20 international cake designers, organised by Gulnaz Mitchell of Heavenly Cakes 4 You on page 44.

Three of our exclusive tutorials; Charlotte Tyson of Sugar Ruffles (page76), Natalie Porter of Immaculate Confections (page82), and Claire Corbett of Windsor Cakecraft (page 88), have also been inspired by Zuhair Murad’s wonderful creations and designed beautiful wedding cakes linked to Zuhair’s gowns.
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Cake Craft Guides are published four times a year – two issues are ‘Wedding Cakes & Sugar Flowers’ and two issues are ‘Party Cakes’.

Each issue is packed with ideas for cakes and sugar decorations for parties or weddings plus six to eight complete projects for you to make. Each one has clear instructions and step-by-step photographs. We give you details of the equipment and ingredients you need plus tips and techniques for getting the perfect results.

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Packed full of ideas

Lots of inspiring ideas for baking Überprüft 16 Juli 2019

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