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Coast Magazine Aug-22 Zurück Ausgabe

29 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
Only €5,99
In the August issue of Coast magazine we share 25 great beach staycations ideas, enough to keep you going for years! Whether you are looking for a family day out with great facilities for young children or a secret beach where you can spot dolphins and eat amazing seafood, we've got the best recommendations for you! We also shine the spotlight on Kent, with a guide to Margate and Ramsgate, along with some coastal properties to buy in the area for those wishing to relocate. If you are on a tight budget with the children this summer, there are still some great activities you can do by the sea for free. Check out our 10 Best Affordable Days out with the Kids.

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Aug-22 In the August issue of Coast magazine we share 25 great beach staycations ideas, enough to keep you going for years! Whether you are looking for a family day out with great facilities for young children or a secret beach where you can spot dolphins and eat amazing seafood, we've got the best recommendations for you! We also shine the spotlight on Kent, with a guide to Margate and Ramsgate, along with some coastal properties to buy in the area for those wishing to relocate. If you are on a tight budget with the children this summer, there are still some great activities you can do by the sea for free. Check out our 10 Best Affordable Days out with the Kids.

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Coast  |  Aug-22  

In the August issue of Coast magazine we share 25 great beach staycations ideas, enough to keep you going for years! Whether you are looking for a family day out with great facilities for young children or a secret beach where you can spot dolphins and eat amazing seafood, we've got the best recommendations for you! We also shine the spotlight on Kent, with a guide to Margate and Ramsgate, along with some coastal properties to buy in the area for those wishing to relocate. If you are on a tight budget with the children this summer, there are still some great activities you can do by the sea for free. Check out our 10 Best Affordable Days out with the Kids.

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Coast is the only magazine to exclusively cover the coastline of the British Isles. Subscribe to discover secret beaches and hidden coves, the best shoreline restaurants and hotels, new ideas for fantastic breaks by the sea and learn more about the fascinating culture and history that surrounds us. Whether you live by the sea, holiday on the coast or want to move to the seaside, Coast tells you where the property hot spots are, gives inspiration for coastal interiors, offers craft ideas you can make yourself and goes inside the homes of people who have made the move.

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Rezensionen ansehen

Highly entertaining

Lots of great writers add to this magazine Überprüft 25 April 2022


Keep going! Überprüft 27 Februar 2020

Fascinating magazine

Ideal for all those who are interested in coastal scenery Überprüft 27 Juni 2019


What a lovely magazine, the photography is just breath taking, got to move to the south coast now! Überprüft 16 Juli 2013

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