Good Organic Gardening  |  Issue#4.6 Jan-Feb 2014
The heat of summer is on and this issue is full of information to keep your garden thriving at this time of the year. Jennifer Stackhouse gives sensible advice about garden maintenance and tells us about two clever crops – saffron and rosella. Melissa King reveals all about beetroot, rosemary and thyme – varieties available and how to grow them. We tell you about how to protect your edibles, no-dig gardening and how to deal with red-shouldered leaf beetles and cherry slugs safely. By popular demand, Colin Penrose tells us about home-brewing and the growing trend towards doing it organically. In the From Garden to Table section, starting on page 72, we tell how to grow, harvest, preserve and cook - tomato, avocado, kale and blueberries. And it’s here we are delighted to welcome our new chef, Joanna Rushton – The Organic Chef – who is author of the bestseller Rocket Fuel on a Budget and founder of the Energy Coaching Institute in Australia. Megg Miller explains how to sensitively and carefully deal with broody hens and in Jo Immig tells us the truth about palm oil and the impact its harvest has on wildlife and the environment. Happy New Year from the team at Good Organic Garden magazine.
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