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History Scotland Magazine History Scotland Nov-Dec 2013 Zurück Ausgabe

46 Bewertungen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €5,99
Glasgow's Great Fire of 1652
The Last King of Strathclyde
Edinburgh's forgotten army camp
Iron Age Lanscapes studied and recreated
Book reviews, news, archaeology updates, opinion
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History Scotland

History Scotland Nov-Dec 2013 Glasgow's Great Fire of 1652 The Last King of Strathclyde Edinburgh's forgotten army camp Iron Age Lanscapes studied and recreated PLUS: Book reviews, news, archaeology updates, opinion AND MUCH MORE…

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Issue Cover

History Scotland  |  History Scotland Nov-Dec 2013  

Glasgow's Great Fire of 1652
The Last King of Strathclyde
Edinburgh's forgotten army camp
Iron Age Lanscapes studied and recreated
Book reviews, news, archaeology updates, opinion
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History Scotland is Scotland's premier history magazine, providing fascinating features on topics from all branches and periods of Scottish history and archaeology, written by leading historians, archaeologists and museum curators.

Every issue of History Scotland features:

• In-depth news on the latest research, discoveries and exhibitions

• Archaeology dig reports and finds analysis
• Updates from local history, genealogy and archaeology projects
• Expert, in-depth book reviews
• Columns from National Records of Scotland, Scottish Genealogy Society and Scottish History Society

The hugely popular bi-monthly magazine was launched in October 2001 at the Royal Museum in Edinburgh by Professor Christopher Smout, Historiographer Royal. It is backed by the Scottish history and archaeology professions with leading representatives from a variety of different disciplines on the Editorial Board.

The magazine is a must-read for anyone with a passion for Scotland's rich history and heritage.

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Basierend auf 46 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Excellent magazine

Wonderful stuff! A+++ Überprüft 02 April 2021

History Scotland

Excellent material, brilliantly researched and written by talented authors. Überprüft 13 Februar 2021

History Scotland

The credentials of the authors makes this an outstanding publication . The photographs tuck me right into the places shown. It's like Christmas morning when a new issue arrives and that's saying something for a 72 year old! Überprüft 10 April 2020

History Scotland

As a former school history teacher in Scotland and having moved from Scotland to mid-Wales five years ago, History Scotland is invaluable for keeping in touch with issues and developments in Scottish history. Many thanks. Duncan Toms Überprüft 18 Februar 2020

History Scotland

My husband and I love visiting Scotland. This magazine allows us to learn more about Scotland's history and culture when we can't be there ourselves. We live in the southern part of the United States. Your magazine keeps us close to a country we love. Überprüft 13 Februar 2020

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