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Snapshot from Agra

When my seven-year-old son Jaineel was on school holiday, we decided to visit Agra in Uttar Pradesh, India. Agra is, of course, famous because of the Taj Mahal but it has several other interesting sights and we thought we’d explore those first. We went to the ‘Baby Taj’ on the suggestion of some locals we asked for tips. The monument is a Mughal mausoleum and was built around 1625. Some people regard it as a draft of the Taj Mahal. We spent a morning exploring the tomb’s different chambers and taking pictures - seeing how excited I get when we visit sights that I want to shoot, Jaineel demanded he had his own camera! At one point, he entered this very old, beautifully designed chamber glowing in the sunlight, and I photographed him coming in, looking around the jewel-box interior and getting ready to capture the scene with his own camera.

SANDEEP MISTRY is from Gujarat. He plans to visit 50 countries in the world before he turns 50; his twin passions are travel and photography sandeep.mistry

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Digitale Einzelausgabe February 2020
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