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Challenge your fears

42 Overcome fear of flying in Vilnius

Hot-air balloons regularly soar over the African savannah or the plains of Asia. It’s less common to see them hovering directly over a European capital - with the possible exception of Vilnius (pictured below), where balloons are allowed to fly over the spires and towers of the city centre when winds are favourable, touching down in the fields nearby. Soothe your airborne jitters in the basket by concentrating on the capital’s landmarks from on high: the vault of the Neoclassical cathedral, the rooftops of the Baroque Old Town or the restored royal palace. There’s plenty to fill a weekend down on terra firma too: explore the bohemian Užupis district (which jokingly declared itself a breakaway republic), or catch the funicular to Gediminas Hill for a view over the plains of Lithuania, and the big skies from whence you came.

• Flights from £85;

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