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British song weekends

31 Enjoy a dirty weekend in Salford

The Pogues sang an ode to Salford in Dirty Ol d Town - of dreams by the canal and love among the gasworks and factories. Songs of romance involving post-industrial regeneration might be harder to write, but it is easier to enjoy a weekend of culture in the city now. In Salford Quays, you can admire the architecture of Imperial War Museum North before visiting the Lowry Art Centre - a permanent collection of LS Lowry’s works, which depict the grimy cityspaces of industrial Northern England. Smiths fans can take the short walk to Salford Lads’ Club, immortalised on the sleeve of The Queen is Dead, where a room is dedicated to the band. Visit Ordsall Hall, a stately home dating to the 15th century, and among the Tudor façades and formal gardens, industrial grit couldn’t seem further away.

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