Making Cards & Papercraft  |  February 2012
Your free papers this month feature dainty dragonflies designed by Nancy Watt just for you! The pastel colours make the prettiest cards! Your free gifts also feature two sets of cute creatures; one set of adorable teddy bears and another set of kittens, puppies and bunnies. Everyone here in the Making Cards office loves them!
February sees the arrival of Valentine’s Day and for anyone sending a card to their loved one make sure you try Dani Martin’s vibrant designs on page 8 and also Dawn Wheeler’s sweet stamped ideas on page 84. February also sees the arrival of the Make it Craft and Make it
Homemade show in Farnborough – we have a great competition for you to enter where you could win some brilliant crafting goodies and see your entry displayed at the show for all to see! See page 37 for more information.
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There’s no sentiment sweeter than a homemade card and Making Cards & Papercraft magazine is here to help spread the love. Whether you’re creating personal cards to give to family and friends or looking to create gorgeous card packs to sell, Making Cards & Papercraft magazine is just the bi-monthly read you need to ensure you’re making the best cards possible.
With every single issue packed full of step-by-step card projects created by a dedicated team of highly talented craftspeople, your card making capabilities are set to soar!
What’s more, each issue includes competitions galore, friendly interviews, news from celebrity crafters and reader letters.
Get creative every month and improve your papercraft skills with a subscription to Making Cards & Papercraft magazine.
With a subscription to Making Cards & Papercraft magazine, you can enjoy:
- Step-by-step guides to creating stunning cards for family and friends, or to sell
- An inspiring bi-monthly read to bring out the creative streak in you
- Stunning photography and insightful articles to get the most from your hobby
- Competitions, interesting interviews, news from celebrity crafters and more
- Top tips and handy hints for creating impressive cards from a highly talented team of contributors
- Every issue delivered to your device before it hits the shops
- A discount off the RRP of your magazine
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