The Walking Dead Magazine  |  Issue 22
Welcome to the 22nd and, very sadly, the last issue of The Walking Dead Magazine. It’s been an incredible five and a half years and 22-issues, truly one helluva ride, so thank you for taking it with us.
But for the moment, dry those eyes, as we’ve got a rip-roaring issue for you!
The new season of AMC’s The Walking Dead is already well underway, and we’re betting that your mind is reeling by now! The good news is that this season is set to get better and more intense – we round up the latest season news! Plus, we present our alternative guide to the first 100 TV episodes, there's an interview with special FX make-up designer and director, Greg Nicotero, there's a closer look at The Walking Dead factions, and we meet the team behind The Skybound Insider.
This and much, much more in The Walking Dead Magazine #22
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