Australian Country  |  27.1
Our next issue’s travels started in the very centre of Australia where we met Jan Heaslip, matriarch of Bond Springs station near Alice Springs. Jan has called the station home for almost 60 years and has been a passionate advocate for education for bush children for all of that time. She’s weathered all the challenges of remote living from drought and fire to floods and accidents. We also travelled to western Queensland where Erika and David Marsh and their family welcomed us to their home on a cattle station, then to the South Australian coastal town of Victor Harbor where we caught up with old friends Tania and Keith Norman, whose previous home at Encounter Bay and houseboat on the Murray River were featured in the magazine. Our travel story is a road trip up the Western Australian coast and our Australian abroad is Caroline Gabriel, who runs a bed and breakfast in Delhi, India. The issue is also packed with design and decorating inspiration, so please join us for Australian Country 27.1
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Australian Country 27.1.