Victoria  |  October/November 2022
As trees turn from green to gold and pumpkins peek from brimful patches, we are reminded that autumn has arrived in all its prismatic splendor. Our October/November issue celebrates this glorious season with stories that warm the heart and kindle feelings of gratitude. We tour California’s picturesque Napa Valley, famed for its flourishing viticulture, stopping at the beautifully restored Ackerman Heritage House and the Regusci Winery, where five generations have tended the vines. Crossing the country, we visit a mountaintop retreat and a storied auberge in North Carolina and steal away to a family farm in Rhode Island where flowers and gourds grow in abundance. Designer extraordinaire James T. Farmer III invites us to share his gracious Thanksgiving table, and we offer our own sweet and savory teatime recipes, perfect for the holiday. Plus, you’ll find an impressive Renaissance-inspired menu and a parade of pretty products inspired by these mesmeric days of fall.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Victoria October/November 2022.