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Hobbies & Crafts

A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Magazine

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Collecting)
132-page introduction to collecting German militaria, primarily from Imperial Germany to Hitler’s Third Reich

German militaria is the hottest area of collecting right now, with prices for items selling for up to three times what an equivalent piece of Allied militaria would cost. Because of this fakes abound and the unwary buyer can easily waste a lot of money. All the articles will include current prices to give the reader an idea of what they need to pay to build their collection
It starts with a basic look at awards from Imperial Germany, with medal awards that are commonly collectable, as well as uniforms, including helmet. Then we’re on to Hitler’s regime which produced vast amounts of collectables. The bookazine is split into sections, covering Imperial Germany; Werhmacht medals, documentation and campaign shields & cuffbands; Heer (Army) uniforms inc helmets, Afrika Korps uniforms, personal equipment like gas masks, map cases, drinks holders; award badges; Luftwaffe (Air Force) uniforms, Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) collectables, personal equipment, award badges; Kriegsmarine (Navy) uniforms, personal equipment like watches, life vests; award badges and campaign shields; the Waffen-SS (Armed division of the SS) uniforms, SS daggers, insignia, cap badges; National Socialist party organisations like the Gestapo, Hitler Youth, BDM, uniforms, badges then the civil and political medals.
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A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages A Guide to Collecting German Militaria Preview Pages

A Guide to Collecting German Militaria

Inside Hitler's Third Reich IN THIS ISSUE Discover the people and events, organisations and divisions, and collectables of Hitler’s Third Reich. EVENTS include the Berlin Olympics of 1936; Operation Anthropoid; Hamburg at War; Hitler Must Die; Operation Valkyrie. Discover the stories of those who lived under and fought for the NSDAP regime with Hitler’s Girls; Joachim Peiper; Fallschirmjäger leaders; Willy Messerschmitt; Tales from the Führerbunker with Traudle Junge and Rochus Misch. ORGANISATIONS include the National Socialist Motoring Corps; Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler; 4th SS Polizei Division; SS Wiking; SS-Panzer-Division Das Reich; 6th SS Mountain Division Nord; the Gestapo. COLLECTABLES covers Toys of War; Postage stamps of the Reich; Wall plaques; Military daggers; Paramilitary daggers; Political daggers; Civic daggers; Civic organisation helmets; Mother’s Cross; Waffen-SS uniforms.

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Issue Cover

A Guide to Collecting German Militaria  |  Inside Hitler's Third Reich  

Discover the people and events, organisations and divisions, and collectables of Hitler’s Third Reich.

EVENTS include the Berlin Olympics of 1936; Operation Anthropoid; Hamburg at War; Hitler Must Die; Operation Valkyrie.
Discover the stories of those who lived under and fought for the NSDAP regime with Hitler’s Girls; Joachim Peiper; Fallschirmjäger leaders; Willy Messerschmitt; Tales from the Führerbunker with Traudle Junge and Rochus Misch.

ORGANISATIONS include the National Socialist Motoring Corps; Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler; 4th SS Polizei Division; SS Wiking; SS-Panzer-Division Das Reich; 6th SS Mountain Division Nord; the Gestapo.

COLLECTABLES covers Toys of War; Postage stamps of the Reich; Wall plaques; Military daggers; Paramilitary daggers; Political daggers; Civic daggers; Civic organisation helmets; Mother’s Cross; Waffen-SS uniforms.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
132-page introduction to collecting German militaria, primarily from Imperial Germany to Hitler’s Third Reich

German militaria is the hottest area of collecting right now, with prices for items selling for up to three times what an equivalent piece of Allied militaria would cost. Because of this fakes abound and the unwary buyer can easily waste a lot of money. All the articles will include current prices to give the reader an idea of what they need to pay to build their collection
It starts with a basic look at awards from Imperial Germany, with medal awards that are commonly collectable, as well as uniforms, including helmet. Then we’re on to Hitler’s regime which produced vast amounts of collectables. The bookazine is split into sections, covering Imperial Germany; Werhmacht medals, documentation and campaign shields & cuffbands; Heer (Army) uniforms inc helmets, Afrika Korps uniforms, personal equipment like gas masks, map cases, drinks holders; award badges; Luftwaffe (Air Force) uniforms, Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) collectables, personal equipment, award badges; Kriegsmarine (Navy) uniforms, personal equipment like watches, life vests; award badges and campaign shields; the Waffen-SS (Armed division of the SS) uniforms, SS daggers, insignia, cap badges; National Socialist party organisations like the Gestapo, Hitler Youth, BDM, uniforms, badges then the civil and political medals.

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