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Art & Photography

The Artist Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
212 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
From €2,83 per numero
The UK’s best practical art magazine for aspiring amateur and professional artists - since 1931. Well-known artists reveal their working practices and techniques, covering all subjects and media, in every issue. Learn how established and up-and-coming artists create their work and use the tips they provide to help you improve your own drawing and painting. Keep up to date with the latest art materials, tried and tested by our trusted panel of expert artists, and keep in touch with the latest art competitions to enter and must-see exhibitions. Learn how other artists make money from their work, join one of our practical workshops/holidays, and don’t miss out on the latest art news and views.
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The Artist

September 2024 The September issue of The Artist will certainly keep you busy, with a wealth of tips, advice and guidance from our contributors in all aspects of landscape painting – from the tropical island of Maui, and the drama of the Lake District, to seaside nostalgia and a moonlit landscape – and in a range of media including oils, watercolours, gouache and acrylics. If animals are your thing, there are demonstrations of a cow in acrylics and a barn owl in watercolour, and for those who want to explore subjects in depth, find out how an understanding of tone can dramatically improve your paintings, discover what drawing media is available and the range of expressive marks each can make, learn how to paint convincing facial features, and learn why narrative can be an important element of your painting. Download the issue today and get ready to start painting! Jane

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6,99 / issue
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€2,83 / edizione
Mensile Abbonamento digitale €5,99 fatturati mensilmente
€5,99 / edizione
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

The Artist  |  September 2024  

The September issue of The Artist will certainly keep you busy, with a wealth of tips, advice and guidance from our contributors in all aspects of landscape painting – from the tropical island of Maui, and the drama of the Lake District, to seaside nostalgia and a moonlit landscape – and in a range of media including oils, watercolours, gouache and acrylics. If animals are your thing, there are demonstrations of a cow in acrylics and a barn owl in watercolour, and for those who want to explore subjects in depth, find out how an understanding of tone can dramatically improve your paintings, discover what drawing media is available and the range of expressive marks each can make, learn how to paint convincing facial features, and learn why narrative can be an important element of your painting. Download the issue today and get ready to start painting! Jane
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The UK’s best practical art magazine for aspiring amateur and professional artists - since 1931. Well-known artists reveal their working practices and techniques, covering all subjects and media, in every issue. Learn how established and up-and-coming artists create their work and use the tips they provide to help you improve your own drawing and painting. Keep up to date with the latest art materials, tried and tested by our trusted panel of expert artists, and keep in touch with the latest art competitions to enter and must-see exhibitions. Learn how other artists make money from their work, join one of our practical workshops/holidays, and don’t miss out on the latest art news and views.

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Basato su 212 Recensioni dei clienti
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The Artist

I would like to see more articles about acrylics
Recensito 10 giugno 2022

The Artist

Delighted to see The Artist magazine now with a new digital receptive audience with Pocketmags. Yet more artists will be able to hear about the inspirational articles I contribute to. All progressive, all intuitive and all inclusive. Excellent idea and forward thinking! Recensito 04 gennaio 2021

The Artist

I enjoy the range of subjects. The magazine always gives me ideas for my own paintings. I also like that it keeps me up to date with new products and I particularly like the book reviews. Recensito 26 agosto 2020

The Artist

varied content , Recensito 14 luglio 2020

The Artist

For me there is to much of a focus on watercolour painting; I would like mor3 material on oil painting Recensito 11 luglio 2020

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The Artist August 2024 August 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist July 2024 July 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist June 2024 June 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist May 2024 May 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist April 2024 April 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist March 2024 March 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist February 2024 February 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist January 2024 January 2024 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist December 2023 December 2023 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist November 2023 November 2023 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist October 2023 October 2023 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist September 2023 September 2023 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
The Artist August 2023 August 2023 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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