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Airsoft Action Magazine Airsoft and The Policing and Crime Act 2017 Edizione speciale

21 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
The circular for the airsoft parts of the PCA 2017 was released today. In light of the questions that have been raised, this document is where we would have expected to find the guidance for airsoft players. What Home Office have published is extremely limited, and we do not expect to receive further clarification in the short term.

As the legislation comes into effect on the 2nd of May, please view the official briefing note from UKARA and UKAPU (attached in various formats)

Please stand by. Soon we will be publishing further information on how you can help us get some real answers from the government.

Matt Furey-King, Chair UK Airsoft Players Union & Frank Bothamly, Chair UK Airsoft Retailers Association
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Airsoft Action

Airsoft and The Policing and Crime Act 2017 The circular for the airsoft parts of the PCA 2017 was released today. In light of the questions that have been raised, this document is where we would have expected to find the guidance for airsoft players. What Home Office have published is extremely limited, and we do not expect to receive further clarification in the short term. As the legislation comes into effect on the 2nd of May, please view the official briefing note from UKARA and UKAPU (attached in various formats) Please stand by. Soon we will be publishing further information on how you can help us get some real answers from the government. Matt Furey-King, Chair UK Airsoft Players Union & Frank Bothamly, Chair UK Airsoft Retailers Association

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