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Airsoft Action Magazine Cannae Pro Insert Edizione speciale

19 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Readers of the print version of the magazine will find a 4-page brochure for Cannae Pro gear between the pages and because we didn't want our thousands of digital readers to miss out, we have created a version just for you!

Patrol Base in Huddesfield, England, have recently been appointed Cannae Pro Dealers and the brochure showcases just a few of the items available.

If you haven't heard of Cannae Pro Gear before, make a note of the name as you will be hearing a lot more about this company in the near future.
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Airsoft Action Preview Pages

Airsoft Action

Cannae Pro Insert Readers of the print version of the magazine will find a 4-page brochure for Cannae Pro gear between the pages and because we didn't want our thousands of digital readers to miss out, we have created a version just for you! Patrol Base in Huddesfield, England, have recently been appointed Cannae Pro Dealers and the brochure showcases just a few of the items available. If you haven't heard of Cannae Pro Gear before, make a note of the name as you will be hearing a lot more about this company in the near future.

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Issue Cover

Airsoft Action  |  Cannae Pro Insert  

Readers of the print version of the magazine will find a 4-page brochure for Cannae Pro gear between the pages and because we didn't want our thousands of digital readers to miss out, we have created a version just for you!

Patrol Base in Huddesfield, England, have recently been appointed Cannae Pro Dealers and the brochure showcases just a few of the items available.

If you haven't heard of Cannae Pro Gear before, make a note of the name as you will be hearing a lot more about this company in the near future.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Airsoft Action is the Number One Airsoft Magazine, with more content, more reviews, more reports and more International coverage. In fact, more of everything that makes Airsoft so great, which is why we have been voted "The Best Airsoft Magazine" in the well-respected Popular Airsoft Players' Choice Awards for three years running.

All our Contributors are either regular players, or are experts on their subject and all are passionate about airsoft.

Airsoft Action doesn't just concentrate of a single genre of airsoft, we believe that if it is in airsoft, then it should be in Airsoft Action. This is why you will find reports and coverage of the many, many different types of airsoft, such as MilSim, FilmSim, skirmishing, Post-Apocalyptic, Zombie, WW1, WW2, Vietnam and one of the fastest-growing shooting sports today, IPSC Action Air. Airsoft Action is the only publication to have dedicated space and coverage to Action Air in the UK and in recognition of this, was appointed the exclusive UK Media Supporter of the 2018 Action Air World Shoot, to be held in Hong Kong.

Airsoft Action is also proud to support the Special Forces charity, Pilgrim Bandits, whose motto is "Always a little further".

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