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American Miniaturist Magazine Issue 242 Edizione posteriore

26 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Only €7,99
The hardest thing for me as an artist, while working full-time, is finding time to devote to my craft. When creating, I prefer to dive deep into my dreams and imagination. I may even have to sit and think before I begin, to get in the right frame of mind or to solve a building problem.
I have discovered if I only create for the purpose of finishing a project then some magic is lost. But when I slow down and stay in the moment, the project becomes so much more fun! In fact, that’s when the magic really happens and some really great details are added.
For example, when I’m making my animals I tend to make 5 or more at a time. First, I sculpt them, then I wire and felt wrap them. I used to dress them in an assembly line. Until I realized this is where I needed to slow down and really think about each character. Where are they going? What climate do they live in? What are their hobbies and jobs? What’s their personality? Then their outfits and accessories are much more fun to make!
So be sure to dream while you’re creating and don’t be in such a rush to finish. It’s the journey that’s the most fun!
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American Miniaturist

Issue 242 The hardest thing for me as an artist, while working full-time, is finding time to devote to my craft. When creating, I prefer to dive deep into my dreams and imagination. I may even have to sit and think before I begin, to get in the right frame of mind or to solve a building problem. I have discovered if I only create for the purpose of finishing a project then some magic is lost. But when I slow down and stay in the moment, the project becomes so much more fun! In fact, that’s when the magic really happens and some really great details are added. For example, when I’m making my animals I tend to make 5 or more at a time. First, I sculpt them, then I wire and felt wrap them. I used to dress them in an assembly line. Until I realized this is where I needed to slow down and really think about each character. Where are they going? What climate do they live in? What are their hobbies and jobs? What’s their personality? Then their outfits and accessories are much more fun to make! So be sure to dream while you’re creating and don’t be in such a rush to finish. It’s the journey that’s the most fun!

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Issue Cover

American Miniaturist  |  Issue 242  

The hardest thing for me as an artist, while working full-time, is finding time to devote to my craft. When creating, I prefer to dive deep into my dreams and imagination. I may even have to sit and think before I begin, to get in the right frame of mind or to solve a building problem.
I have discovered if I only create for the purpose of finishing a project then some magic is lost. But when I slow down and stay in the moment, the project becomes so much more fun! In fact, that’s when the magic really happens and some really great details are added.
For example, when I’m making my animals I tend to make 5 or more at a time. First, I sculpt them, then I wire and felt wrap them. I used to dress them in an assembly line. Until I realized this is where I needed to slow down and really think about each character. Where are they going? What climate do they live in? What are their hobbies and jobs? What’s their personality? Then their outfits and accessories are much more fun to make!
So be sure to dream while you’re creating and don’t be in such a rush to finish. It’s the journey that’s the most fun!
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American Miniaturist is one of America's favorite mini magazines. Each issue is filled to the brim with step-by-step projects, interesting articles, and exciting regular features like mini cut-outs, news, national show updates, reader letters, and great contests and giveaways. This monthly magazine features 100 glossy pages and beautiful, full-color photos.

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Basato su 26 Recensioni dei clienti
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Very engaging

Not just for American readers but for European ones too Recensito 09 luglio 2019

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