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Artlink Magazine After the Missionaries: Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
Only €5,99
Art in a bilateral world
This issue, guest edited by Kevin Murray, explores how new art today reflects the critically important process of the Kyoto Protocol. As a conversation between North and South, the Protocol acknowledges that the rich countries have responsibility for the current excess of carbon in the atmosphere, and any solution will depend on consensus with poor countries aspiring to catch up. In stories that go beyond the established post-colonial paradigm, this issue presents new forms of negotiation between rich and poor, Anglo and Asian. Artists and writers including Paul Carter, Gregory Pryor, David Griggs, Janet de Boos, Ruark Lewis, Sharmila Samant, Jonathan Kimberley, Jim Everett and Ruth Hadlow discuss the extraordinary new work they have done collaboratively with others in China, East Timor, Taiwan, the Philippines, Brazil and India as well as Australian investigations of missionary mindsets and histories. Also explored are bilum crafts of Papua New Guinea, the museum settings of Cook Islands carvings, work by Pakistani-born Joyce Saloum and Khadim Ali and photographs in and of North Korea by Armin Linke and Lyndal Jones. Also a profile of Mark Siebert's new work plus national exhibition reviews.
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Artlink Magazine

After the Missionaries: Art in a bilateral world This issue, guest edited by Kevin Murray, explores how new art today reflects the critically important process of the Kyoto Protocol. As a conversation between North and South, the Protocol acknowledges that the rich countries have responsibility for the current excess of carbon in the atmosphere, and any solution will depend on consensus with poor countries aspiring to catch up. In stories that go beyond the established post-colonial paradigm, this issue presents new forms of negotiation between rich and poor, Anglo and Asian. Artists and writers including Paul Carter, Gregory Pryor, David Griggs, Janet de Boos, Ruark Lewis, Sharmila Samant, Jonathan Kimberley, Jim Everett and Ruth Hadlow discuss the extraordinary new work they have done collaboratively with others in China, East Timor, Taiwan, the Philippines, Brazil and India as well as Australian investigations of missionary mindsets and histories. Also explored are bilum crafts of Papua New Guinea, the museum settings of Cook Islands carvings, work by Pakistani-born Joyce Saloum and Khadim Ali and photographs in and of North Korea by Armin Linke and Lyndal Jones. Also a profile of Mark Siebert's new work plus national exhibition reviews.

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Issue Cover

Artlink Magazine  |  After the Missionaries:  

Art in a bilateral world
This issue, guest edited by Kevin Murray, explores how new art today reflects the critically important process of the Kyoto Protocol. As a conversation between North and South, the Protocol acknowledges that the rich countries have responsibility for the current excess of carbon in the atmosphere, and any solution will depend on consensus with poor countries aspiring to catch up. In stories that go beyond the established post-colonial paradigm, this issue presents new forms of negotiation between rich and poor, Anglo and Asian. Artists and writers including Paul Carter, Gregory Pryor, David Griggs, Janet de Boos, Ruark Lewis, Sharmila Samant, Jonathan Kimberley, Jim Everett and Ruth Hadlow discuss the extraordinary new work they have done collaboratively with others in China, East Timor, Taiwan, the Philippines, Brazil and India as well as Australian investigations of missionary mindsets and histories. Also explored are bilum crafts of Papua New Guinea, the museum settings of Cook Islands carvings, work by Pakistani-born Joyce Saloum and Khadim Ali and photographs in and of North Korea by Armin Linke and Lyndal Jones. Also a profile of Mark Siebert's new work plus national exhibition reviews.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Artlink is widely known as a leading contemporary visual art magazine in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Each issue creatively explores a theme relevant to contemporary art and culture. Artlink is renowned for its original choice of topics, readability, cutting edge editorial and excellent production values. Articles are written by leading writers, including well-known curators and academics. Artlink is a valuable reference, ideal for artists, students, arts professionals and anyone with a general interest in the visual arts. A key tool for researchers, it is frequently cited as being the publication which best informs readers about current practice in a diverse range of media and each issue is lavishly illustrated with new work by artists and groups. Exhibition and book reviews give a critical view of established and emerging art practice. Back issues are packed with exciting, evergreen debates and research including analysis, commentary, gossip, news and information. Essential for anyone interested in contemporary arts in the Asia Pacific region. Artlink is one of Australia’s longest established art publications. Be surprised and delighted by every new themed issue, masterminded by a range of daring guest editors and enjoy the curiosity and originality in the way contemporary art is represented.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great Contemporary visual art magazine covering Australia and Pacific

Great Contemporary visual art magazine covering Australia and Pacific Recensito 19 giugno 2020

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